Understanding Shared Email, Calendar + Groups in Microsoft 365


Microsoft 365 provides multiple ways to share email addresses. This article explains the best type to request for common use cases. 


  • User account
    • A group of people treated as if they are an individual / generic user
    • May require separate password and 2FA method
    • May pose license compliance risks and should not be used
  • Shared Mailbox
    • A shared, dedicated inbox and calendar
    • Accessible to selected delegates within their personal Outlook account
  • Microsoft 365 Group
    • A shared, dedicated group of features including
      • inbox and calendar
      • ability to create SharePoint site, Microsoft Team and other feature-rich integrations
    • Accessible to members of the group
  • Resource
    • A room or piece of equipment treated as a bookable resource
    • Includes dedicated inbox and calendar
    • Compatible with Microsoft Bookings

Use Cases

Send to email distributions lists Shared Mailbox Only shared mailboxes are permitted to use email distribution lists.
Receive and respond to community inquiries and requests. Shared Mailbox Shared mailboxes look and feel like a personal inbox, but allow you to add/remove team members as needed.
Receive external emails relevant to a team or job share. Shared Mailbox Shared mailboxes provide sufficient functionality to receive external mail.
Send to external email addresses on behalf of a university work unit Shared Mailbox Shared mailboxes provide sufficient functionality to send outside of the organization.
Collaborate on a topic or area of work Group Groups provide additional functionality through Microsoft Notes, Teams and SharePoint but are more costly to maintain in terms of upkeep, storage and security.
Make a room or piece of equipment available to be booked. Resource Resources are designed to represent non-person items whose time can be booked or scheduled on a calendar.
Receive and respond to work requests as a team. TeamDynamix Tickets provide greater visibility, efficiency and consistency in handling routine request fulfilments. For more information please see our article on use of web forms at ECU.

More information coming soon

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