Campus Wi-Fi

Tags network Wi-Fi



Wi-Fi is available throughout the campus for guests, students, faculty and staff. Learn which network is right for you.


Service Details
Visitors ECUAD-Guest ECUAD-Guest keeps you connected to the Internet during your visit.
Students ECUAD-Student ECUAD-Student is required to access teaching & learning resources on campus.
Employees ECUAD ECUAD is required to access additional employee services.
Academic Guests Eduroam Eduroam is a free, secure international Wi-Fi service for educational institutions.



Wi-Fi choice for general guests and visitors.

  • Password = ECUAD2017
CAUTION - Do not use if you are an active student, faculty, staff member or contractor at ECU.



Wi-Fi choice for enrolled students.

  • Use your ECU email username (without the and your ECU email password to connect



Wi-Fi choice for ECU staff, faculty and contractors.

  • Use your ECU email username (without the and your ECU email password to connect



Eduroam is a free, secure international Wi-Fi service for educational institutions.

  • If you're an instructor, researcher or student from a participating institution, you can use your credentials from your home school to connect.


Step 1:

Install the eduroam CAT (Configuration Assistance Tool).


Scan the QR code or click here.

Step 2:

Sign in with your ECU credentials.


Type your full username (********** and use your ECU email password.



More Information

Learn more about Eduroam here.

CAUTION  - Clicking on the link will redirect you to an external website outside of Service Desk.

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Article ID: 4222
Tue 8/9/22 9:54 AM
Thu 8/22/24 6:41 PM

Related Services / Offerings (2)

Can't sign in? Get assistance with usernames, passwords & 2-Factor Authentication wherever self-service is not possible.
Is something broken or not working? Report a issue impacting a university account, device, application or network.