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Services or Offerings?
Get assistance with Graduate Studies funding opportunities.

Can't find what you're looking for? Connect with Graduate Studies administrative staff.

Plan your grad show exhibition, from site specific requests to support for technology and safe installation.

Submit your top three choices for Grad Supervisor.

Submit grade change requests to your Dean for approval and processing (faculty only).

Report a safety hazard to be reviewed by the Occupational Health & Safety Committee.

Borrow software or get remote computer access from your personal device.

Apply for a preferred program major.

Request technical support in ECU’s shop, studio and media production environments.

Please ensure you have your receipts in acceptable file formats (jpg, png or PDF) and total claim amount ready before starting this form.

Is something broken or not working? Report a issue impacting a university account, device, application or network.

Add, transfer or remove University employees from digital services and organizational access groups

Get help with Colleague, Yocale, Calendly, Advocate and other cloud-hosted applications

Get early access to a course shell, troubleshoot enrollment or get extra assistance with content migration.